Hey, what is up?! I think it's the start of week 5 tomorrow!
I have been ill since Friday but I'm starting to get better, I've had some bad throat pain and a stuffed nose, but I'm as I said feeling better and better.
I'm thinking about going to the gym already tomorrow and go and do an easy workout. I think I had something already in me on the Wednesday workout since I sneezed in school a bit and I triggered it when I had a hard ass workout later that day. I think I have been having my workout to long this past week or 2, I have been having around 1h 30 min to 2h and that's almost 1h to long for a workout. I have been doing allot of research now when I was ill and I have been learning allot about muscle growth and hormones and stuff like that, it seems that your body just need around 1h for a workout after that your body will lower it's testosterone, and immune system which is not a good thing if your working out. And you don't really need that many exercises to get your muscle growing. I'm going to think about that in the future and I will focus much, much more on form and to just hit the muscle in the right way, and try not to over do it.
It's soon summer brake and I have been eating shit loads this week and put on like half a kilo in weight, I'm not thinking that it's all fat since I'm not eating to much of carbs but I have been on 3000 calories + a day, I will have my burning season in the summer and not before it, but I don't have a big problem with that since I don't grow much fat when I'm eating this much, most of it get put on as muscle or I use it up.
Since I started with the pre-workout my muscle and weight have been going up, as well as my energy and my stomach disease, Ulcerative colitis have been feeling much better, I have honestly not been feeling any negative effects at all, and I feel like that is a bit strange since I haven't really been focusing so much on bad and healthy food when I've been ill, and an illness like throat pain and a cold is often a trigger for it, so I was almost waiting for it to blossom up. I'm speculation if it's anything in the pre-workout that is helping my body and if so I'm thinking about the creatine or the BCAA since you can get a lack of creatine if you workout allot and I have been working out allot through out my entire life, maybe it can have anything to do about it? Or it may be that a lack of energy is making my body nervous, since I have been eating allot I have not been having any lack of energy in my body that I'm used to have, I can eat whatever the fuck I want to eat, and that have been my mindset when I'm bulking. If any of my theories is a fact I may as well keep doing this tactic till/if it blossoms up again.
On the other side of stuff, I can almost see a size different on my body after this week of workouts, my bicep, chest and abs look allot stronger, and matter of fact (lol) my dad was asking me if I was taking any anabolic-steroids when we where sitting at the dinner table, which I though was hilarious, and when I was starting to laugh he really though I was on it, but I explained my self, I'm doing this clean.
Anyway a new week tomorrow, will have to go easier this week since I got an illness in my body, but we got long weekend after this school week with just 3 days in school, so that's kind of chill, it helps me go harder and focus more in the gym since I get more sleep and can rest my head more.
But I'm not a school lazy person and I don't let anything laying around, If you get told to do anything in school, just do it, and redo it till your proud of what you are doing, that's the key to success.
I watched "Pumping Iron" - Pretty good documentary! |
Signing out! Good night!