tisdag 1 maj 2012

Looking to build some muscle?

Hey, today the gym was closed, I got really sad cause it was closed but yeah. Today was the warmest day yet of the year, so I went for an 8 mile walk home and stayed in the sun to get some color, so it was really cool.
I'm gonna keep taking picture updates, but I will do a bigger update every month instead of every week I just feel like it's better that way. Since you wont see that much of a different during over a weeks period, there's a more bigger change during a month's period.
Tomorrow there are school again, I'm going to be focusing hard on the sleep since resting is the best thing you can do for your body when your not training since it both recovers your muscles and it recovers your mind, keeping you focused for the day to come.

I was watching YouTube and I came across 2 twins that was hilarious called Twin Muscle, I can't believe that I haven't seen them before, they got awesome tips and have a great sense of humor. You should check them out.
I learned one thing from watching their video, it was that you really get tired when you punch out loads of reps and sets during your workout and if you do that, it affects your body negative, I've experience that on my own and it will lead to a drop in your immune system since it lowers your body's immune system when it's focusing on your body instead of outside threats, making you more vulnerable for colds and such. I'm going to have that in mind when I'm working out, it doesn't affect you that bad that your not doing 6 different exercise on chest each week, it's better to lower it to 3 and focus more on quality. It will also help your motivation up since every time you bust your ass at the gym you get one more reason not to go there since it hurts and it is a negative thing for your body. THINK about your sets and reps before you do them, do not overdo, keep it at a lower dose instead then you will feel like you want to go HAM on the day to come since you are still got some energy after your routine.

Well tomorrow, it's school and I'm going to go with shorts to show of my calves;) and it's going to be 20 degrees Celsius tomorrow so why not! 
I'm going to try, if I have the energy to post more regular, now I'm going to take a shower now and then be heading to bed, cheers.

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