I'm back
Hey, I forgot about the Blogg because I didn't I forgot to update for a couple of days, hehe my bad ;)
But on the training part, it has been going really well and it feels goooood. My stomach has been stable for last couple of days since I started only drinking and I opt my dose of cortisone. You can feel a kick every time you drink it is like taking you from 0 to 100 so fast, you can feel the energy going through your body when you drink.
Today was a rest day and I have been holding on with my schedule as usual, I will be doing full body workout tomorrow. I can't wait. I'm so restless when I'm on my resting days I have like nothing to do, maybe that's the point?
I keep getting more motivated when I go to the gym, honestly I have been trying to stay away from masturbating/sex. Only on the days when I will rest for 2 days I can do it because then my testosterone will build up, at least it feels like it. I guess it's the body's way of saying that you need to get more motivated and become more enraged to get a partner, I feel really angry when I'm not ejaculating and become a bit hostile to people in my environment but I become so pumped and the anger is really good for working out.
My point is that it's not good to masturbate and have sex while you are working out because it can affect your testosterone levels. Even tho it's good for you I don't think masturbating is something you should do unless you have a girl to play with, I rather stay away from it because it motivates you to getting a girl. Masturbating is a bad addiction since it affects your when you workout, if you over do it to much, it is a really bad addiction, depression also kicks in when you masturbates and it can also affect your workouts. And you can feel more attractive to women when your keeping away from it since it will trigger your body's way of thinking that you need to get a partner.
Anyway, I'm feeling better, I think that my Ulcerative colitis blossomed up because I had a really stressful time on the Easter brake since my teacher wanted us to prepare for the Nation test and hand some stuff in, I get really caught up and stressed when I get things to do. I get a problem to relax and get feeling like you have to empty your stomach because you have a anxious or nervousness in your system. I hate my Swedish Teacher sometimes. She thinks she is so "good" but she can't fucking control her self, she says to everyone to do stuff all the time while she cannot control her own work, if she keeps at this phase she will be incapable of work since it affects the students negative.
Anyway again, I will post more tomorrow if I have time, I can't remember if I did an update post this Sunday. I took pictures but I can't remember if I uploaded them and I can't bother looking at the moment because I'm in the "writing zone". If that is the case I will maybe upload them after this post or tomorrow.
Btw, I didn't write that good, can't be bothered more today.
Peace out! Project Shredded!
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